Who Am I? Why am I here?


Resilient Soul’s


Explore the inner terrain. Integrate Above and Below. As you enter deeply into your own Journey, discover your soul’s purpose in this time and space. In unison with Divine Will, develop your ability to co-create your Life. This door is ajar.

Please tell us about yourself…

What draws you to The Resilient Soul's Journey?

What are you seeking?

What are your challenges?

What are your interests?

What are your necessities?

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The Resilient Soul’s Journey

This 3-month series of live, interactive workshops is being offered to aspirants seeking to release those unhelpful patterns, awaken to Love, connect with your Soul Impulse, and move toward fulfilling your Life’s Purpose.

The First Month


Cultivating Inner Resilience

The Second Month


Connecting with Divine Qualities

The Third Month


Manifesting your Soul Purpose

Week 1: Earth "Grounding"

Self-Love: Tapping into the depth of Being

Your foundation in Hesed – Loving kindness

Week 2: Water "Boundaries"

Boundaries that protect and boundaries that build capacity; personality and archetypes

Letting go of boundaries which constrict

Gevurah – Discernment

Week 3: Fire "Inspiration"

What is your source of inspiration? How does it strengthen your agency and influence your choices?

Tiferet – Tapping into your heart center to reveal purpose

Week 4: Air "Connection"

Harmony and beauty in all our relations

Experiencing prayer as a portal to Unity and Purpose

Netzah and Hod – Agency and Grace

Week 5: Toward the One

As Above, So Below

Exploring our essence as One Being
Keter and Malhut – Source and Manifestation

Week 6: Kabbalah in Life

As Below, So Above

Co-creation – The dynamic path of creation in Kabbalah. Drawing upon the Masters, Saints, and Prophets for guidance and support.

Yesod – Foundation

Week 7: Alchemical Journey

The Magic of Alchemy – accelerating your capacity for growth and transformation.

Tools of inner transformation. The alchemical spiral in body, mind and soul.

Week 8: This Door is Ajar

Entering into the Alchemical Spiral, awakening the Lataif (energy centers of body, mind, and soul).

Mars and Saturn
Taking action and tilling the fertile soil
Lataif: Qalab (root) and Akhfa (crown)

Week 9: First Awakening

Moon and Venus
Receptivity and self-expression
Lataif: Ruh (right breast) and Nafs (navel)

Week 10: Heart Knowing

Sun: Baqa — Jupiter: Fana

Fulfillment and absorption in the Divine

Lataif: Qalb (left breast) and Khafi (3rd eye)

Week 11: Soul Purpose

Mercury and the Soul’s Purpose

The Messenger

Latifa: Sirr (heart center)

Week 12: Inner Geometry

Using Inner Geometry to Co-Create

Putting it all together to discover and manifest your soul’s desire

Tree of Life and the Alchemical Spiral

The purpose of life is to keep oneself in the right tone and rhythm. The nature of life is to put us off the right tone and rhythm. Every moment is that struggle, even for a saint or sage.

– Hazrat Inayat Khan

Kabbalah Sufism Magen David Sephirot

The Quest

Exploring, Expanding, Integrating

Muhasabe — Self-Inquiry:

What is your definition of “happiness” — contentment, peace, and fulfillment? What would that look like to you? How would you feel day-to-day, moment-to-moment?

How do you feel about yourself? What opens you to the Wellspring of Love?

How do you experience the Beyond? At the end of your life, how do you want to view your life?


Here’s what a few of our explorers of the Soul Manifestation Process are saying:

“Loved it. Absolutely loved it”

When I met Debra Sophia I felt, this person has the capacity to hold me. When I heard about the Soul Manifestation Process I wanted to do it because I was intrigued, and I trusted her. I appreciate how Debra held the rhythm during the process. At each step something would come up for me. For one thing, it showed me where I needed courage. I loved it, absolutely loved it. And to think I can take this with me for as long as the intention feels right. I definitely am an advocate.

Nurullah from New Zealand

Mt. Eden Counseling and Psychotherapy

“An inner-focused way to see what you are meant to do”

I was stuck, not knowing what else I could do to promote my book. When Debra presented her Soul process to our study group, I could see this has value. I trusted her. Going through the process together got me out of the mud. I could see new avenues to pursue. I became more clear about my goal, to widely share the message of my book – that we achieve personal growth in the service of others. Yes, I would recommend her process. It’s an inner-focused way to see what you want to do, what you are meant to do. It’s not your typical approach to coaching.

Marilyn from Colorado

Book Author, Your Love is Blasting in My Heart

“Bringing resolution to open wounds”

Before doing the Soul Manifestation process, connecting with my inner spirit seemed hard to do.  With the sound practices Debra taught me, I am able to activate a link between my conscious and subconscious mind. Now I am making decisions I feel more at peace with while bringing resolution to open wounds and questions. This changes everything. 

Raquel from NYC

Founder and President, Career Prep Edu

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Tell Us About YOU

Stay connected with others on the Inner Journey. To hear about upcoming workshops, please tell us about what draws you here:

What draws you to The Resilient Soul's Journey?

What are you seeking?

What are your challenges?

What are your interests?

What are your necessities?

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