Noah: Sheltering in Place

Kabbalah Sufism Sound Code

October 18, 2020

Kabbalah Sufism Sound Code

By Debra Sofia

A Sufi practitioner for 35 years, Debra Sofia is an intuitive who received the gift of The Soul Manifestation Process through divine grace. This three-step process combines Kabbalah and the 99 Names of G’d to guide you to co-create your desires using Breath, Light and Sound.

Noah – Genesis 6:9-11.32

October 18 to 24, 2020 | 6 Heshvan 5781


Noah: Sheltering in Place

We are all too familiar with the classic flood story. Today, the world is not covered in raging waters, but in an invisible danger – COVID 19. How has your life changed? Unless you are an essential worker, like Noah’s kin, you have been sheltering in place. Our hectic, outwardly focused lives have turned inward, toward family and homebound activities.

Now is the time for retreat and re-evaluation of how we live our lives, our purpose for being.

“Noah was a righteous, wholehearted man in his generation, in accord with G’d did Noah walk.” (Gen 6:9)

In the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Hesed and Gevurah are two energies that balance each other. The first creation story in Bereshit represents Hesed, the flow of love and kindness. The parsha of Noah engages the quality of Gevurah: severity, judgement. Whereas Hesed expresses expansive love, Gevurah constricts and contains.

“God saw the earth, and here: it had gone to ruin.” (Gen 6:12)

G-d speaks directly to Noah, giving him detailed instructions to build the Ark with three floors. Referring again to the Tree of Life, the three floors represent Binah – the womb in which the three dimensions are born.

Sheltering in place, removed from our normal social patterns, heightens the interdependency of all life. In Noah we find this truth reflected. Not only are we descendants of Adam and Eve – we’ve all come from Noah and his family, the only survivors of the flood, a testament to our essential Unity.

Tower of Hubris

After the flood, a monumental act of defiance and hubris occurs. We can read the Tower of Babel as the story of man’s egoic nature attempting to establish and protect itself by building a tower that reaches to heaven. Flaunting inner truths, we all know how well that goes over.

This parsha culminates with the harbinger of hope, the birth of Avram and Sarai who are to become the patriarch and matriarch of the Jewish People, Avraham and Sarah.

For this week’s practices, we will focus on how out of necessity we, too, have retreated within. Let’s focus on building our own inner Ark, in accordance with G-d’s guidance. We can work to tame our willful self-centeredness that sometimes forgets, even denies, the world beyond our five senses.

WEEKLY PRACTICES: Sheltering in Place

With the Soul Manifestation Process, we set our intention to strengthen the movement of divine qualities in our lives. Experientially, we are actuating the Tree of Life within. For our practices this week, we’ll draw from the Noah story when G’d instructs Noah to build the Ark and then bring his family inside and all they need to survive.

To develop peace of mind while we, like Noah’s family, must seek refuge from a novel threat, we will use breath, visualization and vibration to stabilize our mind and heart in a state of abiding calm.

Suggestion: Do one practice a day, or do all 6 consecutively. Remember… have your Journal nearby to jot down any insights that may arise.

Audio Recording – Coming Soon


Sitting comfortably with an upright spine, breathe in and out through your nose. Inhale deeply. Exhale completely, eliminating all of the spent air in your lungs. Inhale deeply and focus on your abdomen. Exhale completely. Inhale and focus on your chest, then exhale completely. Once more, inhale and focus on your forehead, and then exhale completely.

Breathing comfortably, imagine the light of the North Star, the clear light of guidance, filling your forehead. On the next breath, imagine this clear light filling your head. On the next breath, fill your upper body. And then your torso. And now, breathe in the clear light of guidance and exhale light all around you. As you continue to breath comfortably, feel this light of guidance enter through your forehead, and radiate outward in all directions.

Now imagine your heart is a prism. As the light passes through your heart, see the clear light refract into the colors of the rainbow. Inhale clear light in the forehead, exhale rainbow light through your heart.


Following your breath, mentally recite these contemplations:

    Contemplate this phrase from this week’s parsha:

    Inhale: I establish my covenant with you
    Exhale: and with your seed after you

    Contemplate this phrase from this week’s parsha:

    Inhale: My bow I set in the clouds
    Hold: a sign of the covenant 

    Exhale: between me and the earth

    Contemplate this phrase from the Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan:

    Inhale: In spite of its apparent silence
    Exhale: everything in life is speaking

    Contemplate this phrase from the Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan:

    Inhale: Disclose to me, I pray thee,
    Hold: O love,
    Exhale: thy secret.

      Contemplate this phrase from the Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan:

      Inhale: Thou thyself art love, lover,
      Hold: and the beloved
      Exhale: whom thou hast adored

      Contemplate this phrase from the Sufi Master Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan:

      Inhale: Instead of lamenting my fate
      Exhale: I create my world


      With eyes closed, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth shape in an “O”.  This is the purification breath of water. Focusing on the exhale, imagine a waterfall is flowing from your mouth, carrying away all impurities. Sense the water in your body. Feel your body being purified by the flow of water through your exhaled breath.


      This week’s Sufi practice with sound vibration will focus on the Water of Life flowing from the Source of All. Similar to mantra, to practice Wazifa is to repeat a Name (quality) of G’d. The meaning of the Name, which is encoded in the sound vibration, will be revealed to you through repetition and focus. Since this parsha tells the story of the flood, we will explore three qualities blessing that flow from Source: Ya Wahhab, Ya Razzaq and Ya Fattah. 

      As a starting point, we can say that Ya Wahhab (yaa wah-HAAB) is the continuous flow of divine blessings which comes from Source. Ya Razzaq (yaa raz-ZAAḲ) is the flow of our daily sustenance. Meaning victory, as well as to begin and to open, Ya Fattah (yaa fat-TAAḤ) is the key to finding the G’d within.

      As you inhale, hold and exhale, softly repeat the three Names out loud, 33 times. Afterward, feel the effects of the sound vibration on your being.

        Inhale: Ya Wahhab
        Hold: Ya Razzaq  
        Exhale: Ya Fattah


        Meaning “remembrance”, Zikr is the repetition of a sacred phrase with the intention of returning to the essence of Unity. Continuing from last week, we will repeat the central Jewish prayer known as the Sh’ma.

        In Hebrew:

        שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד

        Shema Yisrael YHWH Eloheinu YHWH Echad

        The Sh’ma can be translated as: “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one”. LORD is the unpronounceable four letter word יְהוָה – YHWH, the Name of G’d that can’t be named. Instead, we’ll use the word “Adonai“, meaning Lord, or “HaShem“, meaning The Name.

        When practicing Zikr, it’s best to use the original language in which the prayer was revealed. As you inhale and exhale, softly repeat out loud, 33 times. Afterward, feel the effects of the vibration on your being.

          Inhale: Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu
          Exhale: Adonai Echad

          Inhale: Shema Yisrael HaShem Eloheinu
          Exhale: HaShem Echad

          Excellent! Now it’s time to return to the every day world, refreshed, renewed and reconnected. It’s helpful to end your meditation by rubbing your hands together briskly, feeling the heat, and then cup them gently over your closed eyes. You can repeat this motion a few times to welcome yourself back into the physical world.

          Through out the day, notice when you feel a sense of being home. When do you feel most secure? When does fear arise? The next time you feel overwhelmed or bit shaky with our changing world, practice the water purification breath. Breathe in the the nose and out through the mouth as if your whole body was being gently bathed in warm water. How does that affect your emotions?

          Shabbat Shalom!
          After 6 days of practice, when Shabbat arrives, observe how this week’s practices shape your Shabbat experience. Be sure to check in Sunday morning for next week’s parsha.

          You are invited to comment on how the contemplations and practices for this week have shaped your experience of daily life… any big Ah-ha’s? Please share your thoughts and feelings below.


          L’Hayyim…. To Life!

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