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Season 2: Awakening in Life

Winter 2021

A Taste of Kabbalah: Receiving Wisdom for Transformation

A Taste of Kabbalah: Receiving Wisdom for Transformation

Rabbi Mendel Brackman, a post graduate rabbinical student studying in the central Chabad yeshiva in Brooklyn NY, has a passion for learning Chassidus, which is deeply rooted in Kabbalah. Listen to receive a taste of how Kabbalah offers insight into and practical application for our day-to-day lives

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Season 1: Paradigm Refresh

Fall 2020

Perfection: The Dance Between Destiny and Choice

Perfection: The Dance Between Destiny and Choice

Musical artist and alternative healer with sound and music, Kimba Arem speaks about her near death experience that changed her life’s direction. During that time she “saw the perfection of everything that has ever happened on every level”. Listen and relax to the sounds of her crystal didjeridu.

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The Root That Holds You Up

The Root That Holds You Up

As Archimandrite Christodoulos Papadeas, “Father Chris” reminds us – No one has a monopoly on God, on the things of Heaven and the goodness of the Universe. Today’s guest touches us with his humility, sincerity and genuine love of all that God has made. Listen and receive the blessings of this humble servant of God.

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Parsha & Practices

Oil, Wick and Flame: Purify and Revivify Us, and Draw Us Near

Oil, Wick and Flame: Purify and Revivify Us, and Draw Us Near

In a world beset by GLOBAL afflictions we see the necessity to unite as one Humanity to survive. And the positive signs? One curious development of the pandemic is our daily experience of connecting outside of time and space in cyberspace. We are one family. More than a structure, the Tent of Meeting defines a people, a potentiality, and a path toward Unity

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Why Are We Here? Entering the “Tent of Meeting”

Why Are We Here? Entering the “Tent of Meeting”

In the parsha Terumah we ask the mother of all questions: Why am I here? Torah offers several answers, depending on your point of view: to express Goodness in the image of G’d . Another, to become living examples of divine qualities. And how does the Kabbalist answer this question?

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How Shall We Relate? Naaseh V’nishma

How Shall We Relate? Naaseh V’nishma

What does naaseh v’nishma mean? One viewpoint is that doing precedes ascending. First DO, then we can receive through hearing and understanding. First DO, then we can build our internal relationship with the Almighty: correct oneself, one’s behavior toward others, and attitude toward G’d

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