Neurosurgeon Survives Medically Inexplicable NDE: Returns with Message from the Ultra-Real

Kabbalah 99 Podcasts


Conversations with Musicians, Scientists and Mystics who challenge the standard perspectives on Reality, Unity and our evolving place in this Universe of Wonder…

SEASON 2: Awakening in Everyday Life –
Spirit, Mind and Body

February 16, 2021

Kabbalah Sufism Sound Code

Kabbalah 99 Podcast Season 2

New Conversations Every Tuesday, with 9 Episodes in a Season. Listen in… and share with at least one friend!

Neurosurgeon Survives NDE: Returns with Message from the Ultra-Real

by Debra Sofia with Dr. Eben Alexander, MD | Feb 16, 2021

Medically Inexplicable Full Recovery

For 25 years Dr. Eben Alexander served as a physician and academic neurosurgeon, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven, as well as The Map of Heaven and his latest book, Living in a Mindful Universe.

As a neurosurgeon he began his career with the standard commitment to the materialist world view — the belief that the physical world is all that exists. And that came to a grinding halt in 2008 when he came perilously close to death. An odyssey into another realm shattered his certainty about the nature of reality. Listen to hear why his case has the medical and scientific communities in an quandary.

Drinking from a Firehose of Consciousness

Today Dr. Alexander is a pioneering scientist and modern thought leader with a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. Since his near death experience (NDE), he has worked tirelessly to reconcile his miraculous recovery undergirded by a rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind.

His own worst skeptic from the get go, 12-years post coma he has developed his case toward a new view on consciousness. Although some in the medical and scientific communities are still “blinded by their religion of doubt” – others are collaborating to explore a new understanding of the nature of reality that current science demands.

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here?

The Heart of Our Existence

Eben describes in vivid detail an ultra-real, more powerful, meaningful and memorable experience than anything else in his life. What he and others have found is that the memories from NDEs are far more stable and resilient than waking life or in our dreams, and over long periods of time. His NDE exposed him to a realm that is much closer to our true existence than this material realm. Like drinking from a firehose of full blown consciousness, one’s awareness is no longer isolated in moments of time and space.

The Golden Rule is written into the very fabric of this universe of love, compassion, forgiveness – concrete constituents that make up the fundament of our deepest experiences of reality.

In this podcast Eben explores:

  • Free will, relationships and the life review
  • Three realms of existence
  • How to encounter these worlds without an NDE
  • The role of meditation vs. mind-altering substances
  • Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment

Rip in the Fabric of Space-Time

As a neuroscientist he maintains his scientific form of inquiry. What made his experience all the more revealing to the medical community was his near total cessation of mental functioning and his miraculous full recovery. Eben retells his three levels of experience: an earthworm’s eye view, the ultra-real, and ultimately to the core existence of pure oneness.

The most essential feature he encountered was beautiful music that accompanied him through a portal into an ultra-reality and then onto the core realm. These vibrational sounds cannot be heard with the ears. He describes in detail the colorful and lively realms that he entered.  Encountering a beautiful young being, she communicated to him a vital message:

You are deeply loved and cherished forever. You have nothing to fear. You are cared for.

Reassuringly, he invites us to realize there is nothing to fear about death at all. It’s our spiritual home. Our soul does not end with the death of the body. What we are moving toward with our lifespan on earth is the evolution of consciousness.

Science Behind the True Nature of Time and Space

Quantum physicists are beginning to get clues as to what time might actually be. In fact, time and space are injected into our consensus worldview by how the brain filters sensory input. They conclude that there is not some fundamental physical reality ticking away out there by its own clock — independent of the observing mind.

Mind is primary.

To learn more about the expanding scope of science as to the nature of consciousness, visit the Galileo Commission for which Eben is one of the 100 plus scientific advisors.

In his view on 5000 years of history, we are finally about to make some real progress into the nature of consciousness with revolutionary outcomes to the well-being of the planet. He foresees a return to a far more rational view that includes the spiritual worlds.

Eben introduces the founder of Sacred Acoustics – Karen Newell – who provides recordings of binaural beats for brainwave entrainment. Kabbalah 99 will invite Karen for a podcast interview next week. Listen now to hear Eben’s recommendations for those of us who want to cultivate these experiences of life beyond the material realm.

Learn More:

Mindful Universe, Media and More…

Online Workshop:

Saturday, March 6, 2021Awakening to Our Oneness with the Universe with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

Eben Alexander Living in a Mindful Universe

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  1. Sacred Acoustics: Primordial Beats to Heal and Uplift Humanity | - […] Dr. Eben Alexander […]