Season 1: Fall 2020
Kabbalah 99 Podcast
Interviews with Musicians, Scientists and Mystics who challenge the standard perspectives on Reality, Unity and our evolving place in this Universe of Wonder…
Featured Episode
The Longing to Smell the Fragrance That Belongs to Both Israelis and Palestinians
Do YOU believe peace is possible in the Holy Land among Muslims and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis? Meet Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, the International Director of the Abrahamic Reunion. Dedicating his life to building peace in the Holy Land, Sheikh Ghassan makes peace a tangeable reality:
“We will refuse to agree on everything! We will say NO! But we will love one another. We believe in the human being as a human being, the person as a person. And we love all of the people all around us… a great mirror to see ourselves within them.”
Season 1, Episode 9 | 38 min
The Longing to Smell the Fragrance That Belongs to Both Israelis and Palestinians
season 1: Paradigm refresh
"Find a Way Through Gratitude to Make a Habit of Being Happy"
The Seer: Through the Eyes of the Heart
Perfection: The Dance Between Destiny and Choice
The Root That Holds You Up
Your Love Is Blasting In My Heart: Soul Traits for an Ethical Life
Song of Songs: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love
Exploring Beauty and Resilience in Nature and in All Our Relations
Nature's Hidden Dimension: Envisioning the Inner Life of the Universe
Parsha & Practices
LOVE G’d, LOVE Thy Neighbor, LOVE Thyself
“As Viewed, So Appears.” These words of Padma Sambhava, the 9th century Tibetan Buddhist, capture the dimensionality of this week’s parsha. Yitro explores the self from different vantage points: How G’d sees us, how Moses sees us, and how we see ourselves. The essence is Love.
Defeating Doubt with Remembrance
Beshalach “when (Pharaoh) let go,” Moses leads the Israelites safely through the Sea of Reeds, provides sweet water, manna and quail, and establishes Shabbat. When the army of Amalek attacks them in the narrow straits, Moses prevails. How then could the Children of Israel question, “Is G’d with us or not?”
Divine Art of Alchemy: The Fourth Promise
The rapid, chaotic, even deadly changes we are now facing require us to seek a calming influence. Viewing Exodus as an Alchemical process quickens the transformative inner journey from chaos to Unity. This week’s parsha Bo reveals the pure alchemy of G’ds Fourth Promise: “I will take you for me as a people, And I will be for you as a G’d”
Podcasts: REcent episodes
Song of Songs: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love
Author, composer and performer of spiritual music, Rabbi Shefa Gold speaks on the magic of Hebrew chanting. We explore her enchantment with the Song of Songs – an “Initiation onto the Path of Love.”
Exploring Beauty and Resilience with Nature and in All Our Relations
Nature Photographer, Chaplain and Mystic Glenn Sackett speaks on how to see beauty in our relationship to nature and with each other. Explore three simple steps to greater resilience in your health, mind and heart.
Nature’s Hidden Dimension: Envisioning the Inner Life of the Universe
Astrophysicist, author and Sufi guide – Suhrawardi William Gebel – makes the connection between science and mysticism, showing how both disciplines shed light on why we are here, our purpose and finding fulfillment in life
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